Man in the Middle
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The Democrats Eat Their Own on Live TV

The Democrats Eat Their Own on Live TV

My Friends Are Now My Enemies, and My Enemies My Friends

Can you IMAGINE a congressional hearing—in America—wherein Democrats not only defend the censorship of Truth, and defend collusion between the FBI and Twitter to enact such censorship, but where they actually attack, smear and bully… wait for it…two of their very own: liberal Democrats?!

Well, you don’t have to imagine it, you can watch a replay of it for yourself. Just keep a vomit bag handy. I watched all two and a half hours of the House Subcomittee Hearing live and it’s now official: the world is completely upside down. The hearing—focused on The Twitter Files—and featuring two independent, experienced, trustworthy, and yes, liberal reporters—Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger—marks a new low for the current day Democrats.

It also represents the not-so-gentle slamming of the door of hope many liberals and former Democrats like myself were clinging to: The hope that our former party would wake up and reclaim its one-time association with things like truth, integrity, and the defense of true liberalism with things like Free Speech.

But instead, the Democrats doubled down on their defense of authoritarian rule and silencing good Americans. And they tripled down on rude and stupid, treating the two liberal, Democratic-voting reporters there to testify like corrupt and reprehensible enemies of the state, even going so far as to deem them “A direct threat.” Wow.

As a follower and fan of Matt Taibbi (I subscribe to his Substack)—who is one of the last of America’s dying breed of real, objective journalists—I could not believe my eyes and ears. I literally found myself shouting obscenities at the disgusting Democrats as they demeaned, belittled and bullied him… a man who simply seeks and tells the truth—as he sees it—and stands up for the Second Amendment.

Ranking Democrat Stacey Plaskett, in her opening remarks, characterized the two esteemed and independent journalists as… “two of Elon Musk’s public scribes,” and claimed they were there to… “release out-of-context, cherry picked emails…designed to promote Elon Musk’s chosen narrative…”. And she didn’t stop there, she demeaned their basic credibility… “This isn’t just a matter of what data was given to these so-called journalists before us now…”

Taibbi, a veteran, award-winning journalist and author of several books eventually responded to the sophomoric and moronic attack: “Ranking member Plaskett… I’m not a so-called journalist. I’ve won the National Magazine Award…” and went on to state his long list of impressive credentials. Wow, Democrats—what grade are we in?

Plaskett’s opening remarks, delivered in a tone I can only describe as aggressive & triggered derision, were just the opening shots across the bow. The other Democrats piled on, further demoralizing themselves and their own credibility, by badgering the reporters to disclose their source, trying to frame them as shady profiteers: “You hit the jackpot on that Vegas slot machine,” whined Ms. Wasserman Schultz. And even attempting to belittle Taibbi’s (and my) current platform as illegitimate: “I guess it’s kinda like a webpage… I don’t really understand what Substack is…” I wonder if Texas Democrat, Ms. Garcia, understands the astute level of ignorance and/or contempt revealed by such a comment.

These are just a couple of the lowlights from the hearing. The whole tone and demeanor of the Democrats was derisive, belittling, combative… even bullying. References were made to “tin foil” hats, and ridiculous statements like, “I know you like to filibuster,” were leveled at Taibbi, who could barely get a word in edge-wise the entire time, through the Democrat’s filibusters. The Dems repeatedly engaged in painting false narratives, motives and petty character assassination and then interrupted and denied fair response from the witnesses.

It was disgusting. The Democrats were literally willing to eat two of their own—on live television—to defend and preserve…

To defend and preserve WHAT? That is the $64 Billion dollar question. Or is it $100 Billion?

One can ONLY conclude, based on their sickening display this week, that the Democrats are in FAVOR of the government colluding with Big Tech to suppress and censor Free Speech. That they are in FAVOR of the FBI influencing Presidential elections through the suppression of information. That they are in FAVOR of suppressing pertinent and expert opinions—even from Harvard trained medical experts—in order to further the agenda, and profits, of the pharmaceutical companies.

The single word to explain what the Democrats are now in FAVOR of is this: Authoritarianism.

This isn’t hyperbole or hyper-partisanship. This is plain fact. I sincerely do not know if it is ignorance or evil, but the result is the same and must be fought against. And I am shocked and appalled to say this but the truth is the truth: The Republicans are now the only friends I’ve got in Washington who can keep censorship and authoritarian control of our country at bay.

It’s insane. Watching that hearing was insane. My old friends—the Democrats—are now so clearly my enemies, and my old enemies—the Republicans—are now so clearly my friends. Upside down world, here we are.

In that hearing, Matt Taibbi was me, and I was Matt Taibbi. When they attacked him, they attacked me. When they abandoned simple Truth for political thuggery and intimidation toward him… in FAVOR of… what? Authoritarianism?!

They lost me. This time, probably, for good.

Thank you for reading Man in the Middle. I appreciate you sharing this post with friends!


Man in the Middle
Man in the Middle - Listen to Articles
Blake Beltram Co-founded a ~$2B tech company, and is and FORMER lifelong Democrat. Left by The Left and rattled by The Right, he now finds himself, a the middle. Truth+Integrity+Unity / Tribalism & Party. #ThirdPartyTime